
Tekijä: Tom Jackson
Sivujen määrä: 224
Julkaisuvuosi: 2024
Tuotekoodi: 14281453
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Huom. Toimitusajat ovat alustavia. Toimitusaika tarkentuu tilausvahvistuksessa ja sinulle ilmoitetaan arvioitu toimitusaika.

Tuotteen kuvaus: Penguins

Did you know that Penguins have wings and feathers but they cant fly? Instead they have evolved into the most efficient swimmers and divers of all birds. Even on land penguins are surprisingly agile and can travel vast distances on foot or by toboganning, sliding on their stomachs over the ice propelled by their wings and feet. Penguins is an outstanding collection of photographs in a handy pocket format showing these intriguing animals in their natural habitat. Youll discover how penguins survive the frozen Antarctic; their short outer feathers overlap, like tiles on a roof, to form a thick waterproof layer, and underneath are fluffier feathers for warmth. They also huddle together to keep warm. How do penguins sleep? They take short naps during the day and evening. They have the unique ability to sleep while standing up or in the water. Penguins features a variety of species, from the Emperor, Chinstrap and Adelie penguins in the Antarctic to the Magellanic, Southern Rockhopper and Yellow- crested Macaroni penguins of Chile. With full captions explaining how these animals hunt and feed, rear their young and cope with such adverse weather conditions, Penguins is a brilliant examination in 150 outstanding colour photographs of this fascinating animal.

Yleiset tuotetiedot: Penguins

Tuotekoodi: 14281453
Kategoria: Valokuvakirjat
Pakkausten määrä: 1 kpl
Pakkauksen koko ja paino (1): 0,03 x 0,13 x 0,17 m, 1,37 kg
Kustantamo: Amber Books Ltd
Myyjä: Bookstore Krisostomos
Tekijä: Tom Jackson
Sivujen määrä: 224
Julkaisuvuosi: 2024

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